Jansons Gibraltar specializes in the repair, retrofit, and restoration of all types of industrial chimneys and stacks for industrial and commercial clients, as well as the construction of brick chimneys and steel stacks. Our areas of expertise are detailed under the following categories:
Jansons Gibraltar offers a full complement of inspection services. We are active contributing members of the ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers), and Fossil Power Committee on Chimney and Stack Assessment, and our personnel have been instrumental in formulating numerous Chimney and Stack Inspection Programs for utility companies throughout the United States.
Repair & Retrofit
Chimney repair and maintenance is a mainstay activity of Jansons Gibraltar. Our clientele represents a diverse cross-section of industry and commerce and consequently, we have the capability and experience required to address the maintenance needs of a wide variety of stacks and chimneys.
Jansons Gibraltar specializes in the construction of Brick Chimneys and Liners; as well as Steel Stacks & Alloy Liners, and Prefabricated Stacks.
Related Services
Jansons Gibraltar offers the following related services: CEMS (continuous emissions monitoring systems), Demolition, Breeching Ductwork & Cooling Tower Inspection & Maintenance.